Wednesday, May 6, 2009


i posted earlier i think( i dont remember what i blog about) about stopping smoking. anyways i signed up for a stop smoking class and my first class was today. will be every wensday of the month of may. so i had my first class today (i had to wake up before the sun did btw) and it went well. me and the doctor set a target date of may 27th to stop smoking. i have pills i have to take for 3 weeks. the pills give the brain a false sense of the smoking sensation to help ween you off of smokes. then after those 3 weeks you stop smoking and go on the patch for 8 weeks i think it is to ween you off the nicoteen.

what i have decided to do is take the money i would spend on smokes and each day i dont buy a pack of smokes ill put that money in a bucket. ill do that for one year.. smokes are $5 a pack. so if i do that for a year at the end of the year ill have 1800ish dollars saved.


Holly Michelle Chandler said...

Sounds like you have a good plan and a lot of help. Congrats once again on deciding to do something healthy for yourself, and I bet the money you will save is a nice incentive too :) Great job!

Mitchell4 said...

any ideas what your going to do with the $$$? I'm glad to hear that the meeting went well. I know getting up that early must've been a challenge. (it'll get easier) It makes the day seem so much longer. We love that your going down this road to better health. We love ya and if there is anything we can for you let us know. Good Luck!! You Can Do It!!

Lara C. said...

Good Job Brother!!! I am very proud of you.
Maybe you chould use that money and take your Sister on a cruise. Ok, maybe not.
Keep us updated.

GramsCookies said...

Way to Go Danny.... but you better take your mom somewhere before you take your sister... When you stop smoking under my window then I wont know where you are,,, ha ha

choco said...

yea.. stop smoking, save the money better ...