Thursday, March 4, 2010

changes to my blog

Hello everyone im doing alot of writing so i figured i would add to my blog to. im doing alot of writing because im meeting pen pals. since i was writing them i figure id write here to.

My blog is going to be making a change i think. i want to make it more like a diary and less a day to day i did this and i did that activity list. not that i wont ever post what im doing but i want to go much deeperwith my blog now. my blog is going to be ment more for me now athou people are allowed to read it and share comments on it.

ive decided to try to become a more open communicative person. ive never been one to share my feelign with anyone. and what i hope is to share more by posting them here. and even thou people will be reading and commenting it is really more of an outlet for me then exactly a sharing with the world even thou thats what will be happening.

sharing my back story was one step in what i hope is me becoming a better person. it was me opening up a little bit. another step for me is making pen pals and learnign to be more communicative with people again. and then chaging my blog to be a more inside look into me for me. it prolly wont be pretty as i have alot of demons and things ive locked away inside of me. but i need to get them out and this is another way of me doing so.