Monday, June 30, 2008

2am channel surfing

ok let me start by saying nothing good can ever come from 2am channel surfing. on that note i did run into something that made me laugh.

ran across a cartoon on adult swim. the channel that has family guy and aqua teen hunger force on late at night.

funny part #1:

kid is talking to his dog right before he goes into the house. he tells the dog " stay outside. nothing bad ever happens to the dog... except that dog on tuner and hooch." he starts to close the door and turns around and tells the dog " dont be a houch"

funny part #2:

door bell rings and the kid is carrying a toy gun. kid says " who is it" man behind the door says " mail man". kid says " go away". mail man says " rain sleet or snow i deliver and no snot nosed kid will stop me" kid responds with " im 2 years old, i havea gun and im at crotch level"

i still chuckle. but like i said nothing good can come from channel surfing at 2 am.

photo editting

ok so i went thru some of my picture that i have taken that i like and played with photoshop. i will note that photoshop is confusing and im still learning. but its fun

r.c picture before

and after.

this is one i took at my sisters wedding that i always liked.

and this is an effect i got playing around with colors and contrasts.

this is my favorite picture i took at my sisters wedding and so i did alot of effects with it.

i love this effect(prolly cause i like shiny objects)

i also really liked this one cause it looks like a water coloring painting

this one didnt come out like i hoped.

not a fan of this one either

worst gift ever

my worst gift ever was given to me by my brother Brian.i know what your thinking.yes i name names. its my blog and so i can name names. anyways when i was living in alabama with my brother we talked about getting a pet. i said how i always wanted a cat. now my idea of a cat is a fat lazy cat that sits in your lap and purrs. a cat so lazy its exersize is jumping out of your lap. my cat would make garfield look like an olympian.

the day of my birthday my brother came home with a cat that his friend found on the side of the road. the cat couldnt have been a month old. he was smaller then my hand. the kitten was thin and had very little energy.

now i will admit the first 2 nights this cat was cute. it meowed and purred from the attention i gave it. at night it slept on my pillow right at the top of my head.

what i didnt know at the time was this was satans cat and it was just luring me in.

after 2 days of eatting and sleeping and looking all cute, what it was really doing is storing up some energy and plotting. after 2 days the cat looked less like the picture above and more like

this gift of my brother went from sleeping on my head and purring to hissing and trying to rip of my skin in 2 days.

i must make it known that in this blog i would never exagerate. when i would be sitting watching tv or playing on the computer, this cat would start in my room and run down the hall way making very loud thump thump thump noises as it ran(more noise then a tiny kitten should make i might add). this cat ran down the hall way around the corner full speed and would leap in the air claws and devil teeth extended right for me. i swear im not making this up.

then i learned a good way to train a cat would be to get a water bottle and squirt the cat with it. so naturally i tried that. right here ill give you all a tip. satans cat hated that. pissed him off. he would run back to my room. do some burn outs in the hall way to get better traction and charge me again. i had marks all over my body till i moved out 6 months later.

i have no idea what happen to satans little pet after i left. but if you see a cute little kitten on the side of the road in alabama dont pick it up.

and that my friends is my worst present ever curtisy of my loving brother.

the wishie part 2

well i saw a wishie today. thats the good news. the bad was in a spider web. that means there was no way i was ever going to make a wish on that wishie.

Friday, June 27, 2008

playing around

i have a kinda nice camera and enjoy taking pictures when i remember too. one thing i have never done thou is edit the photos. i always take pictures and them leave them as they are. now i have some photo editors to play with. photos below are taken by my aunt curly and so i played around with them. now when i get around to taking pictures they will look good..woot

its rude to honk

in 14 years of driving i have used my horn 3 times. i find it rude to honk so i just dont do it. i have to admitt thou that today was time #3. there was a long line to make a right turn onto a street. after the light changed about 3 times i was finally second in line. yay me. well the guy behind me must of got tired of waiting and he pulled into the go straight lane next to me. he was an older guy with a nice red car and a cell phone that was big enough to make calls to mars. by this time it was turn to turn.

i was turning into the far lane cause thats the lane for the freeway and well the old guy with his nice red car and huge cell phone making calls to mars decided he was going to turn to.

first thing to enter my mind was how much do i like my car. i decide i liked it alot so i slammed on my brakes. my second thought was i hope my air bag dont go off cause i hit my horn hard. i could have let it go there but he didnt even acknowledge my horn blowing. so i stayed on the horn pulled up beside him and gave him the finger.

i do think honking the horn is rude and i feel bad for doing it but i dont mind giving the finger. makes less noise so it must be less rude.

i do know this thou if gas prices keep going up i may not like my car as much the next time. so if you own a big 1980 cell phone that allows you to talk to mars and you drive a pretty red car you better hope i dont want a car that guzzles less gas cause ill let you hit me next time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i cant wait

i have no idea how old i was, if i had to guess i would say 5th or 6th grade timeline. the WWf use to have shows on 3-4 times a year that started late at night on saturdays and me and my brother got to stay up to watch them. since we got to stay up late and have the living room to ourselves we usually built forts during those nights. to the unprivlaged who do not know forts are made out of blankets, pillows, chairs and pretty much anything else not tied down.

im guessing it will be about 2 years and lil b will be able to enjoy the finer things in life like a good fort. and i cant wait to show him how.

where oh where has the wishie gone

i remember as a kid fighting over these things with my brother and sister. they are called wishie flowers( or i call them that im not sure). anyways you pick the flower then blow on it and make a wish. i havent seen one of these in forever thou. maybe the wishie well dried up?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

blog of love

like ive said, i decided to start my blog because i enjoyed reading my two sisters blogs so much. my blog is definitly diffrent from theres. theres is more about the day to day lives of themselves and there family, while mine is alot more random. i post random pics, funny thoughts and things that just pop into my head.

but i wanted to post a link to my sister beckys blog. her blog is mostly about the day to day activitys of her, my brother and lil b ( i should prolly state for those who dont know when i say sister in refrence to becky i mean sister in law. just so people know my family tree has more then one branch lol)

anyways the reason i enjoy reading beckys blog is you can easily tell how much love she has for my brother, lil b and bruno. add to the fact how much i love lil b and she posts pictures of him you can understand why i love it.

i hope you enjoy her blog as much as i do

random picture #2

one day i wanna be able to take a picture like this. i prolly never will but will be fun trying.

sorry i couldnt find the name of the person who took the photo.

Monday, June 23, 2008

dear paucco

well saturday and sunday i went over to hang out with my brother and sister. saturday night the plan was to watch the ufc fight on tv. got there a little early so we sat around bsing and drinking a couple beers, when my sister ran to the store to get some more beers. she came back with beer and paucco.

paucco is this cute cute puppy. ive kinda been anti dog since i had to put snoopy to sleep. that was prolly the hardest thing i ever had to do. my dad was ready to pay alot of money to have snoopy get some tests and work done in the hopes he would get better but in my heart i knew he wasnt going to get any better so i had to ask to put him to sleep. i still think about him every day and still expect to hear the thump thump as he runs down the stairs when i get off work.

anyways like i said my sister got a new puppy and instantly fell in love with the puppy when she fell asleep on my lap. now my brother and sister call her luci lu but thats just her victorville slave name. her real name is paucco but dont let jim my brother hear you call her that he gives you funny looks.

you can see picture of paucco on my sisters blog here .

and dont worry paucco ill be back so we can hang out...opps i think jim is looking so better start calling her luci lu. long live paucco.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

when did you first say mom

most people will prolly say when they were 1 which is prolly true even thou they wont remember it. I dont know if my mom will remember this but i was about 6. my parents got divorced when i was 3 and my dad got custody of me and got remarried a week before i was 5 if my math is right. well when he got married i called her pam for awhile. then one day we were doing laundry, which means she was doing laundry and i was in the way helping. and thats when i called her mom for the first time. dont ask me how i remember that but i always have. from that point she has been my one true mom.

so ill let you have the fact that you said mom when you were one and dont remember it, because ill keep my memory of the first time i called my mom, mom and be happy with my memory.

Friday, June 20, 2008

title fix

i changed my title from a weasel to a gremlin. the reason is my sister says i looked like a gremlin when i was a baby not a weasel. forgive me im getting old. its fixed now thou.

jack pot

ok i found this site
has a bunch of old nintendo games. the original nintendo. think i got my nintendo and a color tv when i was about 9 or so and played that thing alot. played mostly super mario brothers cause that was the game it came with(back in those days the console came with a game). but i use to go to my friends house and we use to play track and field and dannys house, all night mega man sessions at javons house and sport games up at brandons house. these games are not as fun to play nowadays but it does bring back good memorys and so its kinda cool to play some of the classics every now and then.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

todays magic number

ok todays magic number is $4.61. thats what i paid for gas today. i started driving when i was 18 and now im 32 so i havent been driving half my life yet. when i started driving i could fill up a tank for $12.00 and get some change back. now that $12.00 doesnt even get me 3 gallons.

so here is my plan. if anyone wants to run for president and wants to offer me free gas as part of their campain they get my vote. i dont care what other causes they campain for if they give me free gas they get my vote. wanna open year round hunting season on endangered species, start a nucular war with aliens from outta space, or drain all the water from the ocean. thats fine you will still get my vote if you offer me free gas. so now the question is who wants to run for president and who wants my vote?

random picture #1

i want to randomally post pictures that i like so here is the first one.
photo by Rolf Hicker
edit: hopefully the next picture i use doesnt blend into the back ground

Me and my blog

Well for those who dont know me im Daniel Wesley Mitchell. Thats me with my nephew Lil B in the picture. As for the title of my blog A weasel, some tooters, and alot of pissants, im the weasel according to my sister. She says my baby pics look like a weasel. Maybe some day ill post one and let you decide. Some tooters is what my sister calls lil B. as you can tell i call him Lil B because he is named after his father who i call B or Big B now. I love Little B so much so will prolly spend a post of two talking about him and his future brother Bruno. And of course a lot of pissants. Pissants is a name my sister came up with and i kinda adopted it. so we call alot of people pissants so its in referance to my firends and family.
As for what ill write in my blog who knows. Prolly a little bit of everything. im big into games and paintball. Ill talk about my friends and family, sports and poker. politics and religion. tvs and movies and pretty much anything else i wanna talk about cause its my blog =).