well i got my 3rd set of fish today and these 2 are my favorite.

Posted by Daniel at 4:40 PM 0 comments
well brian my brother and little brian my nephew and my bundle of love flew home today. when i walk in the front door or come down the stairs and little b see's me and his eyes get big and he giggles and then races toward me, its nothing but pure joy and love. i love that little guy so much and he brings nothing but happyness and love to me and my family. and i got to spend some time with my brother which is something i always enjoy. we enjoy alot of the same things from food to games to paintball to movies and tv that it is so easy to hang out with him and i have so much fun doing it. i cant wait till next time i get to see them and hopefully my brother wont be scared to play paintball against me.
Posted by Daniel at 9:26 PM 2 comments
this is the newest picture. kind of shows off the new lighting which is very very bright. i had some other peices of wood in there but took them out as i wasnt happy with the look. i like this look alot better. when i finally get around to adding plants it will look great.
Posted by Daniel at 8:51 PM 1 comments
well lets see. i have added new lights. 110 watts total which is alot alot of lighting which means i should be able to grow pretty much any plant i want. it also means ill have to be very careful with keeping track of water conditions and fertalizers or i will have algee. dont want that. im hoping to be able to start adding plants in a week or 2 along with the shrimp. then after that i can add fish. then after that i can look into getting a bigger second tank. i have the room to add a 75-125g tank( they all measure the same length just diffrent hights. i want a 100 or 125g so we will see.
in non fish related news my brother and nephew come into town next saturday and im beyond excited. i really miss hanging out with my brother. i took monday and tuesday off to spend time with him and may be trading my saturday for a thursday so ill have all 4 days off my brother will be in town. wish he could stay longer but if things work out for him, him and his family will be moving back to cali and then i can shoot him with paintball guns...woot.
Posted by Daniel at 5:16 PM 0 comments