Thursday, April 2, 2009


ive decided to do a magor change in my life. its amazing how fast time flies. ive been smoking for 10 years now. doesnt seem like it but its been that long. so while at the va hospital for a check up on my back they asked if i wanted to join a stop smoking class and i said yes. they have asked before and i usually just kinda brush aside the question but now its time for me to quit. its a 4 week program 1 day a week. will be wesdays at 8am. im not sure when my first class is but if im waking up that early this program better work =)

on a seprate note but same kinda thing im now taking multi vitamins. ive been feeling sluggish lately and several people have told me including my doctor that its prolyl my diet. well i hate veggies so instead of eattign them im taking a real nasty vitamin. yummy. anyways they should have better instructions on the package. only vitamins i have ever taken in my life are child vitamins when i was a child. those you chew. well i saw how big this vitamin was and assumes well you chew it too. im not kidding i gagged when i tooked the first one. it was horrible. lucky for me mom explained that you are suppose to swollow them and not chew them. so my advise to anyone and everyone is never ever ever chew one of these vitamins.


Holly Michelle Chandler said...

I still can't believe you actually went out and got those vitamins. Good for you sweetie! Hopefully they work as well as my friend says they do. And CONGRATS for deciding to quit smoking. When you are REALLY ready, it is not as bad as people make it sound. I still want one sometimes, but I haven't had one in almost 2 years because I REALLY wanted to quit. I am so proud of you! Good luck! XOXO

Lara C. said...

I am so excited for you!!! These soudn like great changes so let me know if you need anything. I could always go out and buy you some Flintstone vitamins. Katie had to eat those when she was pregnant. lol.
Good Job Danny, I am proud of you!!