well today was interesting. nice 5.4 earthquake this morning. nothing like an earthquake to really wake you up. for those who are worring thou dont. my fish tank survived.
large project:
well i have pretty much cleaned up my room. for any one who has seen my room knows thats a big project. yes my room gets messy. but to make an excuse everything i own is in my bed room. my california king size bed, my large computer desk, my large entertainment cent, my dresser, tv, fish tank 9 18 gallon totes of my stuff ect ect. all in my room. so my room is going to be packed. add that to the fact i spend most of my time when im home in my room andits very easy for it to get a little crazy.
part of my problem is i save stuff. if someone has given me anything in the last 15 years it was prolly in my room. one small example is a box of jelly bellys. it was given to me for my 20th bday. i never got around to eatting it so i kept it to remind me of that time. it isnt something i kept out on display or anything but it was in one of my totes and when i go thru it and see it it brings back memorys of that time and the person who gave it to me. i have alot of that stuff. well i use to have alot of that stuff. i thru it out. if i counted right i filled up four 50 gallon trash cans worth of that kinda stuff. not trash just keep sakes i guess you would call it.
but i figured if im going to have a nice looking fish tank in my room, my room should be clean so people can come in and enjoy it. only thing i have left is to go thru all my clothes and get rid of the ones that dont fit right anymore and the stuff i just really dont need to be wearing. on that note i can proudly say i still have a pair of pant from high school that i can still wear. they are tight now but i can wear them( yes they are going in the throw away pile)
some pictures of my fish tank:

now that i have shown you that. i gotta show you kinda what i want to end up doing.

that is a 33 gallon aquarium so only slightly larger then mine. i love how that looks so it got me to think and have decided to change the way my aquarium is going to look. that fish tank looks like a rain forest. i love it. now dont ask me how but that tank only took 2nd place at some aquarium contest. and those are all real plants, rocks and wood. and fish of course
this one was the winner but i think the one above is better

if you havent figured out im really into this whole aquarium thing. besides changing the look i had thought of for my aquarium i have kinda changed my mind on the fish too.
german blue ram. same as before:
sunset platy same as before:

glolight tetra replacing the neon tetra. these fish are brighter

and instead of a algee eatter fish im goign with red cherry shrimp and hope my other fish dont eat them all:

once again sorry i havent been updating as much as i should. but this pretty much wraps up what i have been up to lately.
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