Wednesday, July 23, 2008

more fish stuff

well not much has been going on. been waiting for my aquarium to reach the 2nd phase of bactira growth which happened today. yay me. happends between day 5 and day 14 usually and today is day 7.

the process is ammonia( which i added to the tank) then a bactira eats that and turns it into nitrite. then a diffrent bactira eats that and turns it into nitrate. ammonia and nitrite are very lethal to fish which is why i dont have fish yet. in a tank its the fish poo which makes the ammonia. so what im doing now is getting to the nitrate stage which produces the bactira that gets rid of the bad stuff so when i add fish i will have that bactira already.

i really wish i had my camera thou( shoudl be back some time next week i hope). the tank is crystal clear right now with 2 peices of wood one small and one really big and a rock. but my favorite part right now is the splash of water from the filter which is really relaxing.