i made enchiladas. i dunno why they use flour tortillas. it worked but next time i will use corn. flour is just way to big to be working with. also i added taco seasoning to the meat as recommended by many people who commented on the recipe. all in all very good. i was stuffed and so was jim it was good. and it was a pretty inexpencive meal.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
i cooked
Posted by Daniel at 6:50 PM 1 comments
i think im in the mood to cook tonight. i dunno what exactly but dinner is on me tonight
Posted by Daniel at 1:36 PM 2 comments
Labels: Mood
Friday, July 24, 2009
2nd blog
well ive started a second blog. im still doing this one but i also wanted to do one a little diffrent
so here it is. check it out
Posted by Daniel at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
i think its official now
someone said to me its been 10 weeks now and i had no clue what they were talking about. i totally forget that im an ex smoker now. i very rarely get even the slightest of cravings any more, so i dont even think about it.ive been in just about ever situation that i used to smoke in even the ones tat made me smoke the most and it doesnt bother me in the slightest now.
so we can officially call me a non smoker again. and ty for everyone for there support.and specail thanks to my mom who i was prolly the crabbiest too during the the hardest of times. love you all.
Posted by Daniel at 12:18 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
ok seems the disneyland pics didnt work so ill play with it and ifx it. give me some time. thats a big project lol
ok looks like hopefully 3rd time will be the charm. ill fix it again in a minute.
Posted by Daniel at 9:11 AM 1 comments
ill start with disneyland
so i recently went to disneyland....again. I went on june 8th i believe with my family when everyone got together. and that was a special time.
then i went again on july 7th and had an another amazing time. this time i got to see california adventures.
they have some cool stuff over there. they have tower of terror which is a twilight zone themed free fall ride.
they have this ride called soaring over california. in theory its an amazing ride. its like a realistic imex/star tours type ride. but way bigger and way more realistic. it has amazing pictures and amazing sense of realism. the ride scared the crap out of me. ill never go on it again. you dont go any higher then 20 feet at most, you dont go sideways or up side down. no rough and tumbleness. it is just so realistic it scared me.
some more pictures from california adventures
one last part of california adventure for now. they have this ride called toy story mania. its a interactive 3d shooting game. you ride in these carts and it takes you around and stops in front of these screens and you shoot targets and earn points. prolly cause im super competitive but i could ride this ride all day long. it is the coolest thing ever. and in the fron they have a large sized working mr potato head. he sings and talks. its pretty cool
we spent most of the day in california adventures. but we also spent some time in disneyland
rumor has it that for 600 dollars you can spend 1 night sleeping above pirates
we spent some time walking around down town disney.they have this huge and amazing disneystore. i love that place.
combine 2 of my favorite things. disney and gators
one for my brother
and then night fall came. and we saw the electric parade
one of my Fav's
we figured that california adventures was closing at 9 and the fireworks started at 9:25 so no problem. wrong. at 9:12 the parade was still going on so we had to run back to disneyland. and then find a spot to stand as everyone in the park was standing here.
dumbo flew over the castle
my fav firework one
and the end of the night
sorry for all the pictures. i was thankful to holly for getting me out of the house. and for allowing me to turn it into a picture taking trip. i really had a good time just being in disneyland and doing photography. i want to spend time getting better with my camera so hopefully this is a start. its some of the better pictures i have ever taken. and i entered 2 of them in a photo contest.
Posted by Daniel at 8:31 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
still trucking along
wow its been 3 weeks already. i say wow cause it feels like alot more. i defenitly feel better already. but at the same time i cant say i have quit the habit. no no i havent had a smoke yet. but the urges are still really strong and will be for a long time. it gets easier each day, not cause the cravings get easier. but my ability to deal with them gets better. in reality its prolly not much diffrent then living with back pain. and i have been doing that for 11 years now. lucky for me i wont really have to do that for smoking. only a couple of months.
speaking of back pain. grrr. it really sucks lately. it hurts really bad and has for the last couple of months. who knows maybe one day ill sit down and try and describe what thats like. fun stuff huh lol.
Posted by Daniel at 8:42 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
140 hours and counting or 5 days 20 hours and counting. how ever you want to look at it
Posted by Daniel at 8:11 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
a string of floss
the line between smoking and not smoking today has been about as wide as a string of floss. ive tettered on the lime most of the day. i havent crossed it yet, so that makes it ummm 46 1/2 hours i think. at times it feels like its been a month.
i have been outside a couple times today to umm go have a smoke but stopped myself. every time that urge gets to strong i ask myself is this the breaking point. is that all i can take. and a couple times the answer has been yes. then i go outside to get my smokes and i ask myself if this is the breaking point do i really want to go thru this again starting over. and that has kept me from smoking so far. if any one thinks about starting to smoke, ill say dont do it just so you dont have to quit.
i honestly dont know if the urge will hit the point where i have to have one. i know ive been on that line a couple times. ive heard that day 3 is the hardest day. so we will see what tomorrow brings. i continue to fight it one urge at a time.
Posted by Daniel at 10:30 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
thats the easiest way to discribe today. its wensday which means class #2 of my stop smoking class. we even had homework for today. the homework was not to have a smoke before class. i usually have my first smoke within 15 mins of waking up. so i had to be up at 630 and out the door by 7. no smoke for the first 30 mins. then from 7 to 8 to get to loma linda. so 1 1/2 hours no smoke. class from 8 to 11. another 3 hours no smoke. i have to be honest that was super hard. then i figured you know what i hadnt had a smoke today. my last smoke was right before midnight so i thought well lets se how this goes. so im on umm 21 hours without a smoke. and ill be 100% honest it has been pure hell.
its hard to discribe what its like to quit, or try to quit. mark twain said "its easy to quit smoking, i have done it a 100 times" my dad quit cold turkey. they say 1 in 1000 people who quit (not 1 in 1000 who smoke but those who quit) are able to do it cold turkey. im not a math wizz but i think thats 1% of 1 %. let me tell you right now im not one of those 1 in 1000. we watched a video in class today about brain activity in smokers and coke users. althou the side effects of each are diffrent, the brain processes both the same. think about that. the brain process smoking a cigarrette like it does for someone using coke. they have rehab for people who use coke. never heard of rehab for smokers.
so i have gone 21 hours without smoking and boy do i really really really REALLY want one. im not saying i wont smoke another smoke, or that i will smoke again. im just taking it urge by urge and trying to battle each one that comes up. does that mean if i have another one i failed at stopping to smoke. no not at all. this is a process. if i last 21 hours and 10 mins, or 24 hours or 48 hours and then i have a smoke well then i try again. and i fight the battle hopefully having learned something so next time i can go longer, until i have had my last smoke.
Posted by Daniel at 8:47 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
i posted earlier i think( i dont remember what i blog about) about stopping smoking. anyways i signed up for a stop smoking class and my first class was today. will be every wensday of the month of may. so i had my first class today (i had to wake up before the sun did btw) and it went well. me and the doctor set a target date of may 27th to stop smoking. i have pills i have to take for 3 weeks. the pills give the brain a false sense of the smoking sensation to help ween you off of smokes. then after those 3 weeks you stop smoking and go on the patch for 8 weeks i think it is to ween you off the nicoteen.
what i have decided to do is take the money i would spend on smokes and each day i dont buy a pack of smokes ill put that money in a bucket. ill do that for one year.. smokes are $5 a pack. so if i do that for a year at the end of the year ill have 1800ish dollars saved.
Posted by Daniel at 8:45 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Posted by Daniel at 8:14 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
ive decided to do a magor change in my life. its amazing how fast time flies. ive been smoking for 10 years now. doesnt seem like it but its been that long. so while at the va hospital for a check up on my back they asked if i wanted to join a stop smoking class and i said yes. they have asked before and i usually just kinda brush aside the question but now its time for me to quit. its a 4 week program 1 day a week. will be wesdays at 8am. im not sure when my first class is but if im waking up that early this program better work =)
on a seprate note but same kinda thing im now taking multi vitamins. ive been feeling sluggish lately and several people have told me including my doctor that its prolyl my diet. well i hate veggies so instead of eattign them im taking a real nasty vitamin. yummy. anyways they should have better instructions on the package. only vitamins i have ever taken in my life are child vitamins when i was a child. those you chew. well i saw how big this vitamin was and assumes well you chew it too. im not kidding i gagged when i tooked the first one. it was horrible. lucky for me mom explained that you are suppose to swollow them and not chew them. so my advise to anyone and everyone is never ever ever chew one of these vitamins.
Posted by Daniel at 7:13 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
im back, my back, and more
Hmmm i think maybe its been awhile since i have posted here. I had to dust off the cobwebs and oil the hinges to get this thing to open up. anyways i guess im back. Last time i visited with you folks i was cooking so lets see what else i have been up to since then.
in October i went to a holloween party at my sisters house. i went as a fairy. i wanted to go as tinker bell cause thats my sisters favorite disney charcater but i couldnt find a tinker bell so i got just a black fairy outfit. what i will comment on is short dress, in victerville in october at night is not a good combination for me. it was hecka cold.
in novemeber the big event was thanksgiving. we had it at my sisters house which i personally think is a great place to have it. they have a nice big open livingroom, dinning room, kitchen area so even when people are cooking you can still interact with everyone. jim cooked the turkey and thanks to my my brother calling and saying put oranges in it. it burnt. the great thing thou is when deep frying the inside stays moist so the turkey was awesome. the one bad thing was lara got biscuits and gravey and i didnt. otherwise i love going up to there house for holidays.
december. december was the best month ofthe year for me minus one thing. i got to fly with my mom and dad to alabama to be brian and becky and the kids. it was one of my most favorite christmas of all times. i really miss being around my brother so its always cool to be around him when i can. but my favorite part was spendign a full week with Lil B. i love all my family and extended family with brother and sister in laws. but man my connection with little be is a whole diffrent thing. andgettign to spend a full week playign with him was awesome. we built forts, watched tv, chased each other around, played with cars,did alot of laughing and giggling. it was amazing. me and my brother and dad also went to play paintball. from what i understand the place we played at was really cool. it was indoor and and fun. we got shot alot, got bruised and battered but all had a good time. now i said there was one bad thing to this trip, and that was that my sister and brother in law couldnt make it. that is what keeps it from being the best christmas ever. all in all a good 3 month to close out the year ending on a high note.
now i was going to finish this all tonight but im getting tired so this will be part one and part 2 will have to be tomorrow. ill go january, feb, march and a special peice then. good night all and hopefully you still remember how to find my blog.
Posted by Daniel at 10:17 PM 3 comments